by Ricky Hikawa
Graphic Design
Graphics like logos and text design
packaging Design
The boxset is design in a package of the box, wrapper, stickers and a translucent paper
Component design
Different materials with different technique
Ichigo-Ichie is a local brand that emphasize delicate Japanese lifestyles.
It always collaborates with other high-ended brands like Boris & Matthew (Bouquet Brand) and Ganachi Patisserie (Pastry Brand).
A set of logo design with mainly three styles and each logo fits to each brand industry.
Four logos are designed including the element of Cherry Blossom.
The design is inspired by Japanese Cherry Blossom and Japanese Knot - Mizuhiki.
Knots has an association with the symbolism of love, friendship and affection. The knots motif can be found in legend, old stories and custom in many countries across Western and Eastern world.
And Mizuhiki knot is associated with the Japanese word ‘musubu (結ぶ)’ meaning ‘connection’ or ‘tying’. As the name tells, attaching Mizuhiki conveys warmth, connection and togetherness.